Happy holidays! I am delighted to announce that I will be an adjunct instructor at St. Louis University beginning in the spring semester. Yes, probably the last thing I needed was a fifth job, but I’m very excited to be teaching journalism again. Never fear, I am continuing in my assistantship at SIUE teaching English…
Author: elizabethdonald_7o83t2
Job No. 5!
Now that all the paperwork is being filed, I am free to announce that beginning in the spring, I will be an adjunct instructor at St. Louis University. I’m delighted at the opportunity to teach news editing at SLU’s communications department, and very grateful for the recommendation from my former-and-sometimes-current boss at SIUE. I’ve had…
October Linkspam
Happy Halloween season! This newsletter is late! And that’s because we had such a spectacular time at Archon that we are still recovering three days later. Folks, I’m getting too old for these shenanigans. Archon is our hometown con, and it was a delight to be back after last year’s cancellation and see so many…
Archon ahoy!
This weekend is Archon, our local con and a delightful return after last year’s cancellation. Many of our familiar faces won’t be there, unfortunately, but I understand the concerns. We share them, of course, but I made the decision a while ago to return to the con circuit and I am very pleased that Archon…
Finally: the Edwardsville Author Fair!
I’m delighted to finally attend the Edwardsville Author Fair in person! They’ve been holding this festival of the written word for a few years now, and each year it has conflicted with another major event: Dragoncon, the Society of Professional Journalists, etc. Then last year the event was virtual, of course, because the Voldevirus required…
Sorry to report that this weekend’s signing at the Alton (Ill.) artisan and farmer’s market has been canceled due to reports of cats, dogs and small barnyard animals falling from the sky. Next time, citizens. Stay cool and safe!
Farewell, old friend.
This wasn’t exactly how I’d intended to christen my new website, but here we go: as of July 31, my oldest title Setting Suns will be going out of print. Setting Suns wasn’t my first book, but it was the first to appear in paperback. Way back in the dawn of the ebook era, my…
Pardon our dust!
It is staggeringly obvious that this is a work in progress. Please don’t judge! I’m a writer, not a programmer. The final version of this site will be much shinier. In the meantime, please be patient with my learning curve!
And the winner is…
Me! I’m pleased (almost) beyond words to announce I have been honored with the Mimi Zanger Award for fiction writing. This is an award granted by the English Department at Southern Illinois University, where I have begun my coursework for an MFA in creative writing (in case you’ve missed all the other references to my…
Book birthday!
I’m happy to announce that my new Blackfire novella, Yanaguana, is now unleashed on the world courtesy of Crone Girls Press. It walks along the San Antonio river, and it carries all your fears in its grasp. Paul Vaughn and the Blackfire team have been summoned after several mysterious deaths, because that’s what they do….